
Monday, July 8, 2013

summer floodin'

So life is good. It's been pretty crazy here lately with all the flooding! Thankfully we're all safe here because we live on top of a hill basically so nothing to worry about for us. But it had been raining like crazy and then BAM all of downtown underwater. Even the zoo too! I was so sad because I wanted to go to that so badly. And the whole Stampede grounds is flooded too...but I'm sure that the city will all pull together and get that back to normal real quickly because everyone loves Stampede!
So yes, crazy week. On Tuesday night, an eight year old in the ward got baptized and we invited our investigator Justin to come. His wife said that they were busy but then miraculously they showed up because he suggested they should go and we were so happy to see them there! It was a fabulous event that's for sure. The spir]it was so strong, Justin knew it too. He wants to be baptized we just don't know quite yet when that will be. \but i'm so proud of him!
On Wednesday night we went to Lisa Martin's house for dinner. We went over early to help her cook because her husband usually does all the cooking but he wasn't home from dinner yet. We were having homemade hamburgers and guess who squished the burger with her own hands and formed patties and used a grill, THIS GIRL. Sister Fenn and I were pretty worried we were going to burn their whole house down because we've never used a grill before but we managed and they were pretty delicious if I do say so myself. Heavenly Father has definitely blessed me with the crazy food that I've been eating lately. I just know that without him I'd be in major belly pains but I am A-Okay!
And we've also been doing a lot of service lately. I told ya about carpet bowling right? Well it's still great. I actually got a new boyfriend. Yes, his name is Willie. So funny. Gives winks and blows kisses all the time haha The chairs at the retirement center are all on wheels so when we were putting them away he told me to sit down to put it back at a table and then as he's pushing me he's like I'm going to take you to my room....haha super creepy but I was dying laughing. He's quite the jokester that man.
Then Sister Fenn and I headed over to Sister Sutor's house to help her clean out her garage. We reorganized everything and swept and the whole shebang! It was a hefty task but it looked pretty darn good afterward. Like I'm impressed. Sis Fenn even mowed her front lawn..good for her right? THe mosquitoes right now are nuts too so I was not so keen on going out in the yard in between rain falls. Those little suckers got me real good this week they even ate me through my tights!
And then on Friday we had exchanges! So Sister Fenn went to the north zone with Sister Sagers and then Sister Alsup came to the Arbour Lake Ward with me! Oh my heavens we had a blast! We got along from the get go and made lots of progress. She is really good at just starting conversations with people on the street so I'm learning a lot and i'm so thankful for her! As we were knocking some doors looking for people who had been contacted before we were looking for a street that we could not find anywhere so there were these two ladies outside and we asked them for directions and then ended up getting to know one woman Susan pretty well! She was so friendly and sweet and said she'd want to visit the temple grounds with us and have us come back to talk some more so I grabbed her phone number and set up a time next week to go back! I'm so excited. That's something that probably wouldn't have happened with Sis Fenn so i'm glad that I was able to have that experience!
And Barb. Oh Barb. I LOVE HER! Mom, she reminds me of you. And it's so great. We visit her every week and just read the book of Mormon with her and then talk about and usually get off on tangents. This week I told her how I was introduced to the church and then got distracted on the importance of a good mother/daughter relationship. Her and one of her daughters Lauren don't get along very well and she was just saying how she doesn't think she is making the right decisions and she is only trying to help because she loves her. And it made me start crying because I realized how important my relationship is with you Mom! And Dad! I'm sorry for being so difficult and I know that it's just because we all love each other but we all have different views. But thank you for being so understanding with me and still letting me have this experience of a lifetime to serve a mission. I love it so much. It's hard but I have moments every day that remind me why I'm here. I've been so humbled daily and there isn't a minute that passes by that I don't thank my Father in Heaven for providing this opportunity for me. I love the people and I love Calgary and please keep this city in your prayers because so many have been evacuated and some have even lost their homes completely. It's a disaster but I know that the Lord has a reason for everything and I've already seen so much love going around here with church members getting together food and hygiene kits for those who have been hit. But I know that when we are serving others, we are serving Heavenly Father. I'm pretty sure the 'Helping Hands' shirts/vests have already been ordered so I hope I'll have the chance to go pick up debris and such!
But yes, everything is just fabulous. I even picked up a Canada shirt today to wear next Monday- July 1st is CANADA DAY! haha I'm super psyched. The library is closed then though so next week I'll probably email on Tuesday, if the internet is back there anyway..
And I ran into a Bishop Davis yesterday..he asked me where the family name comes from and I have no idea. Pretty embarrassing since the church has one of the most amazing genealogy websites in the world. Momma or Poppy, you guys should totally use it and find out where we come from! That'd be way cool. https://new.familysearch.org check it outttttttt.
I hope everyone is having a great week so far! I love you all so much and I'm so happy to hear from you.
My favorite scripture this past week has been Isaiah 40:31. It mentions about waiting on the Lord, which usually has a negative connotation to it like waiting in long line but instead think of a waiter/waitress who are constantly serving others and helping them have a good time. That's what Heavenly Father wants us to do, serve others. And then blessings will follow. What a wonderful promise!
Mm. GOOD DAY! Love you,
Sista Davis

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