
Tuesday, August 27, 2013


That is right, folks! I'm preggers. Haha I don't know if all missions use these terms or what but when you train someone they are your baby and you become their mom or dad and so forth so that means that I'm training this next transfer! I get to meet her tonight when all the new missionaries come in from the MTC. I'm super excited to meet her and I just already love her so much! So when I got the transfer call the assistants called in the morning and told us that there had been something up with the financial records in the office for our living and we needed to call Elder Bryant (the older man that's in charge of all that stuff) and they gave us his 'new' phone number. So we call Elder Bryant and he's telling us that our fridge is using up too much power and they're getting billed for it. He tells us to go over to the fridge to look for a knob in the back and we're searching and searching and can't find anything and we're so confused and he's like "usually it's behind the pickles on the second shelf, or at least that's where it is on mine" and this is where we're sensing it's a little fishy.. and he asks "what kind of food do you have in there anyway?" and Sister Fenn tells him and he replies "well you better start buying some softer foods because Sister Davis is having a baby!!!!!" hahahah we were dying laughing and it most definitely was not Elder Bryant haha they got us good.
So then we had a training meeting on how to be trainers and it was so great. President Nicholas really laid down the rules and holy macarole do I have a lot of responsibility or what!? I have so many goals and such that I'm working on so that I can be the best trainer for my baby girl. Need to be an example at all times, not that I'm not already trying my best to do that but my awareness has been amped up a bit. I'm nervous, but way psyched. And I know that I can turn to the Lord for help, He's good at that.
Anyway, lots of great things happening. Lisa and Devin have been slowly but sure progressing. She's been getting really confused as to what to do because she really wants to be baptized and doesn't know if or where she wants to move out to since she can't be living with Devin unless they were married which yikes I wouldn't recommend for high school kids. Sister Fenn and I actually taught the young men and women during sunday school about eternal marriage this week. Still trying to wrap my head around why their teacher asked us to teach it you know since we're uh single missionaries? haha but whatevs it was interesting and I learned a lot, mostly how important temple marriages are and how much a group of 15-17 year olds don't listen very well haha It was good though.
Yes, it was great. Today, since it's transfers week, is p-day so we're all gathering as a zone to have a picnic! So precious right? My whole district is either getting transfered or going home so it will be a cute little goodbye to them and then it will just be me alone here with my new missionary. It's hard, you know, you get so attached to people and make really great friends with them. Sister Fenn and I have actually been getting along amazingly well lately and it will be weird not to have her around anymore..buuuut I'M SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT SO I CAN MEET HER! I'll tell you all about it next week.
Love you,
Sister Davis
                                                       mine and Sister Fenn's title of liberty

                                     having too much fun (it's a soda pop beverage don't worry)


Monday, August 19, 2013

Miracles on Miracles on Miracles

OH MAN OH MAN! What a great week this has been!
A while ago we had our Zone Conference where President Nicholas promised us that if we did our two and a half walking days every week we would see success in our area. We took him up on this and walked like crazy this week (which I love! the weather has been pretty nice lately knock on wood so it's very enjoyable outside. maybe even a little warm sometimes...Sister McIntyre told me I'm turning into a Canadian since I'm acclimating and stufffff haha). Anyway, so we walked loads and talked to errbody that was in our path. But it wasn't until Friday that we started to see a difference.
So Friday morning we started the day with a little zone get together...Elder Burns, our zone leader, was leaving to go home the next day so we all got together and did Tim-Tam Slams in remembrance it was so fun. Let me explain a Tim-Tam Slam. It is divine! So there are these cookies that are called Tim-Tam's that are like rectangular chocolate wafers covered in chocolate. So you take a little bite of opposite corners and then dip one side into hot chocolate and suck it up like a straw and once the hot chocolate makes it through you quickly pop the whole cookie into your mouth and let it dissolve and oh my goodness it's amazing. Ah-mazing I tell you! So yeah, we did that. So I guess AFTER this is when we started to see a difference haha
We called a referral that we had from church headquarters, her name is Aleah and I spoke to her on the phone and she's great! She's a less active member and right off the bat asked if someone in the ward could give her a ride to church holla! And then we went to another less active's house, Lisa Martin. I love her she's great! We made cinnamon rolls with her and then she and her husband Alan also fed us dinner. Oh my the cinnamon buns were also delicious. Sister Fenn made this cream cheese frosting that she had memorized the recipe for and it just made the rolls so so good! Gaah so much for a diet HA. So the little tender mercy at the Martin's was that Lisa said she was looking into signing up for an institute class this year, score! I really hope she does because that would be so great for her.
Then on Saturday morning we helped out at a "Fun Run" at the Arbour Lake Community Centre. and we got to talk to lots of people there. Then afterward I guess Arbour Lake won community of the year or something like that and some magazine threw them this big block party at the lake so even more people came it was great. Planted some seeds of happiness there.
And Sunday was the miracle of all miracles. After church Lorena brought her 11 year old daughter, CiCi, to us and we found out that she wants to take the lessons and get baptized! Yay! Then we met with our investigator, Lisa, and her boyfriend, Devon and we talked a lot and then Lisa's like "so the bishop said I should talk to you about picking a date for my baptism..." Boom so she picked August 31st and Devon also said that if he got an answer than he would be baptized on that date too! Holy Macaroni, right? It was great. The best part for me, a big testimony builder, was that in the morning I decided I would fast because Sister Fenn and I had prayerfully made some transfer goals that we wanted to accomplish that we hadn't made any progress on and our transfer is coming to an end at the end of the month and I couldn't take it anymore so I fasted. And all day I was just rejoicing in my fast because I knew that in the Lord's time blessings would come and we'd be able to make progress on our companionship transfer goals and then low and behold before I even broke my fast the Lord blessed us with two new investigators and two of our investigators on date! What a miracle. I know that the Lord is watching out for us and all he wants us to do is to do something about it. We have to put some work into our prayers, into our lives, in order to receive His blessings. And it is so worth it! I am overwhelmed with happiness for Lisa, Devon, and Cici!! They won't even be able to comprehend the amount of joy that will come into their lives as they follow Christ's example.
I'M ON A SPIRITUAL HIGH, FOLKS!!!!!!! I hope it lasts foreverrrrrrrrr.
So yes, I love it here. I love being a missionary. Thank you for the prayers, I can feel them! The Lord loves each and every one of us so much and knows us individually. Such a blessing to have this knowledge.
I hope everyone is having a great week! My heart and prayers go out to you all.
Sister Davis
me and sister strathearn in the fudgery in Banff SO GOOD
 me and my fave Lisa Martin
 making Cinnamon rolls
 walking lisa martin's cat, Maverick

Dont Worry, I'm Still Alive

It's been crazy busy. YAY!
I don't have much time but I thought I'd let you know I'm still breathing, still working hard, still loving every minute of missionary work.
So: Alma 20. I read it this morning during study and it changed my life. Lamoni's father's heart was softened because of Ammon's 'great love' for his son, Lamoni. Shows us how important it is to have love and charity for everyone because we are an example to those around us and their perceptions can change according to the way we treat others with kindness and loyalty. Mmm it was a good one. I really love the Book of Mormon so much. I tell Sister Fenn every morning how great it is I'm sure she's sick of it by now but it's just so darn amazing I can't get enough! Every story brings so much more light and strength into my life. Even if you're just reading it to read it, it can be pretty entertaining too I catch myself laughing as I picture the events taking place in my head. But more importantly are the lessons we learn from it. Just like in the Bible how Jesus teaches others through stories and parables that are full of symbols that we can relate to our lives depending upon our faith and knowledge. Same goes for the Book or Mormon. I just read and read and read and gain and gain and gain so much! Gah I love it.
I love it all. We're teaching some kids in the ward who are preparing for baptism and we watch the restoration video with them and tears form in my eyes every time. The Spirit is so strong that there is no denying the feelings that come into my heart and I know that the Holy Ghost is testifying to me the truth of the restored gospel. It's so important for us to be constantly asking our Father if this gospel is true. Constant, continual conversion is what keeps us fresh and keeps us building upon our faith and our foundation.
I really liked what Alison wrote to me from Reid's talk about becoming the person Heavenly Father wants me to be. Got me thinking a lot and realized there's always room for improvement. So I made a list of goals and I got started! 
Thank you for all the prayers and emails and letters, they make me happy and keep me going.
I love you!
Sister Davis

Monday, August 12, 2013

Oh My My My

Oh boy. So I guess Monday was a Canadian Civic Holiday? All the libraries were closed so we couldn't email. And then on Tuesday we had a big ol' Zone Conference all day pretty much so we didn't have time to email then either. So here I am, Wednesday night, at the library emailing all my favorite people! Start by saying thank you so much, Anna, for all the pictures you mailed me. So much better sending the flash drive so I could see SO MANY! Little Lynx is growing so fast! Can't believe he is walking and getting hair cuts and is just the cutest thing I've ever seen. And know what else is growing fast? Anna's belly! You look so good preggers, it's amazing. I'm glad everyone is doing so well. Can't believe school is starting for Fletcher...thank heavens that's not me haha and thank you Alison for the updates and the pics! Holy macaroni can't believe Reid is home. So weird. Give him a hug for me please.
Anyway, this past week and a half has been so lovely! Last Monday seems like so long ago I had to look in my planner to remember what happened. But we had our ward Family Home Evening that didn't turn out as we had planned but it was still a success. We wanted it outside but it was freaking cold so we had it in the gym and played games and practically ran out of food, but it was still great! Both our investigators and their families came and participated and totally loved it so that's all that matters anyhow haha.
Also, last week, last Wednesday, we had exchanges! I just love exchanges so much. Instead of staying in Arbour Lake like I did last time, this time I went to the North Stake in the Coventry Ward with Sister Sagers. She's six foot five and skinny as a pole. Super funny and I just love her. She just got a new companion at the beginning of the transfer and I guess they kinda sorta clash a ton just like me and Sister Fenn so it was nice to know we weren't the only ones. Sis. Sagers really opened up to me about their situation which was such a blessing because she's like Sister Fenn and I'm like her companion Sister Johnson so it was good to get the inside scoop of what was going wrong and how to fix it. Anyway, we did a full day of walking and tracting, like knocking on doors and it was great!! I totally loved it. I love knocking doors, it's my favorite. Not the most efficient way of missionary work but you get to meet tons of new people and it really builds my testimony. Having people slam doors in my face is quite the experience but instead of bumming me out I'm more sure of the reason why I'm out here in the first place. Why I'm spending my time spreading the gospel instead of at school, or in a career or whatever else it may be.
Then on Sunday we had a little day of miracles. So Sister Fenn and I have been working a lot on making a Ward Mission Plan to get the members involved with missionary work. We finally finished it by Friday, presented it to Brother Palmer on Saturday, then presented it to Bishop Evans Sunday morning during PEC(priesthood executive council). They loved it, bada boom bada bang. Then the young women in the ward invited our investigator Lisa to go to sunday school with them and she was just so happpy to make new friends! After church I asked her how it went and she was beaming! "I made two new friends today! and we're going to get frozen yogurt this week!" It was so cute! I'm so happy for her.
We also got to teach our investigator Justin on Monday. We were planning on teaching him the Gospel of Jesus Christ but as we were starting with faith it turned into a lesson on tithing. He said he thought people telling him to "just have faith" were saying it as a cop out and all that which is understandable for him to think. So we talked a lot about what faith means and how we can increase it. Especially through acting, like with tithing. It went great! The Spirit was so strong. Gaahh so amazing.
A novel later...my bad. But it's jsut so fabulous. Our zone conference yesterday was just what I needed to hear. All about exact obedience, asking inspired questions, using the scriptures, and more greatness from President and Sister Nicholas and his assistants. So great.
Time is flying!
Prayer is a life saver. So comforting, always. TRY IT.
Sister Davis