
Monday, January 27, 2014

Soooo Good!

Spirit high! 

Wowzas, I am just so full have love and joy and everything good today! We have had a glorious week, that's for sure. All good days and it's so great. I love Heavenly Father. When it says in the scriptures that He'll bless you for your diligence, it's not lying! We've been working really hard, making sure that we're full with appointments and all of our extra time is filled with finding activities. So, we've been walking and knocking and we've been blessed with not only beautiful weather, but also some more people to teach! Woohoo!

I don't have much time but just know that everything is going wonderful and that I am so grateful for all of the prayers that have been said.  I can definitely feel them! THANK YOU!

We had the opportunity yesterday to help out a bit with the Youth Standards Night for the stake and talk to the young women about dressing modestly. After we spoke, there was another woman that spoke and it was so good that I bombarded her afterward and asked to have her talk that she had printed out....yeah I'm a creep haha but it was so good! It opened my eyes to a whole knew view. She was talking lots about why Satan is trying so hard to derail us from the path of righteousness. Because he was cast out of heaven to come to earth as a spirit he doesn't have the same privilege as the rest of us of receiving a body. And because he doesn't have a body he can't do a lot of things. He can't have a family. He can't go to school. He can't do so many things so he tries so hard to make us feel of his misery! He's jealous and bitter and does everything in our power to pull us away from our Heavenly Father. She said it a lot better than I did sorrry...haha but it just really got me thinking about how sorry I feel for Satan that he doesn't get to experience life the way we do and how grateful I am that I chose to follow Jesus Christ, our Savior! YAY!

I'm out of time :( SO I hope that you have a wonderful week full of rainbows and sparkles and unicorns!!! hollaaaaa

Sister Davis

p.s. guess what I made this last week! SUSHI!!! I learned out to make sushi and

Monday, January 20, 2014

Some Really Wonderful Days!

What a week. We had some really horrible days and we had some really wonderful days! So, I'll just talk about the good parts. To start of the week we played a little prank on the Elders. You see, our whole district is made up of six sisters and two elders, one of which is our district leader who all the other elders call the Relief Society President.  We decided we'd spice up the district a bit and help Elder Hayter out with not feeling overwhelmed by all the estrogen. So, with a little scheming and sneaking, we each ended up with one of either Elder Hayter's or Elder Zavala's ties and put on our white button downs and showed up to district meeting singing, "Ye Elders of Israel." You shoulda seen Elder Zavala's face! And with his broken English accent "HEY those are my ties!" Lelele so funny.

On Saturday morning we had one of the most fanfreakingtastical lessons with Krista and Travis, our investigators. Last Sunday they just randomly decided they wanted to go to the Mormon church and boy oh boy am I grateful for that or what!? So yes, there they were tattooed and peirced and purple haired sitting in the overflow. They are the sweetest people in the entire world and they are so sincere in their hearts. They are just searching for direction in their lives and let me tell ya- they've found it! Travis' first question for us: Why are there so many churches if there is only one God? HAVE I GOT THE ANSWER FOR YOU, KID. They agreed to meet with us and we brought our ward mission leader along Brother Larson and it was just great. The Spirit was so strong and they were very intrigued by the story of the Restoration of Christ's church back to the earth. They came to church again yesterday and we have another lesson with them scheduled for tomorrow night, it's going to be wonderful talking with them about the Plan of Salvation! Woohoo I'm psyched!

Then right after the lesson we went downtown to meet all the other missionaries to do another Zone Blitz and street contact err'body we see. It was a hit! They first lady we met, Marie, told us that we were angels sent from heaven and that she couldn't wait to meet with us again haha unfortunately she's not in our area but that's okay, she'll still be able to learn more :)

Then Sunday. Oh Sunday! It's so weird having 9:30am church instead of 1pm. I don't even know what to do with myself! haha just kidding but it is so strange. We had an appointment with a less-active fall through which left more time before supper to visit other people that we didn't know from the ward list. We stopped by two people who we had tried to stop by before and this time were both miraculously at home and willing to talk with us! So that was a plus! I'm so grateful for the promptings of the Spirit. Even when at the time it might just feel like a coincidence or random thought or feeling, it never is. How amazing it is to know that God talks to us individually through the Holy Ghost.

I love my Savior. I love being his servant.
Sister Davis
Practically the only frozen yogurt place in Lethbridge...THE FIX

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014


Longest week ever.

New year, new companion, new everything! Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration but we all need a little of that in our lives too hey?

Here's the 411:
Sister Maynes. 20 years old. From South Jordan, Utah. Been on her mission for six months.
So yes, that's her. We're getting along just fine! She trusts me a lot so that's good. We are going to work, work, work this transfer!

We have a new investigator, her name is Marlene. Her husband was a member, but he passed away two years ago so she has a lot of "Questions of the Soul" that need to be answered to help her understand the importance of this life and the love that our Heavenly Father has for us. I'm just excited that she's willing to meet with us and learn more about her husband's faith even though she doesn't plan on acting on her faith in Jesus Christ...yet!

But yes, things are really turning around here. We have set some ambitious goals and we are determined to work diligently with all of our heart, might, mind and strength to see them accomplished! Woohoo! It's going to be great.

Sister Davis

p.s. pictures: Meet Sista Maynes, and me at Lynx Pl!!