
Monday, April 28, 2014

Hello Revelation!

GOD SPEAKS TO US! Oh my gosh it's amazing. Sometimes through our prayers, or scriptures, or prophets or simply those around us! So cool.

It started with exchanges. So our Sister Training Leaders are wonderful. Sister McDade and Sister Koller. LOVE THEM. So Sister McDade stayed with Sister Smith in our area and I had the privilege of going with Sister Koller into their area. I was actually quite nervous at first because the STL's serve in a Young Single Adult ward and I thought that it would be like super weird and awkward to be a missionary for YSA for who knows what reason but I was quickly humbled because it was totally the best day ever! And I absolutely adore Sister Koller. I learned so much from her! She and I served in the West at the same time about 5 months ago and holy cow she has changed so much I was not expecting it so I made her spill all her secrets so that I can make some super changes too! I felt like I'd been progressing and moving up and then it just plateaued for a bit there and it was no bueno. I wanted to increase my spiritual knowledge and strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Father and my Savior. And so it was such a blessing to serve with her that day because she showed me exactly how to make the changes I want! YAY! See, Heavenly Father knows us each personally, and knows who needs to be the one to tell us what He wants us to do for it to stick and actually change us. She is so excited and pumped about the gospel and about our potential as children of God. IT RUBBED OFF ON ME TOO!!! I'm so psyched! Just in the past four days since our exchange my personal, and companion, studies have been enhanced a million fold! It's so cool! I LOVE THE SPIRIT! So good.

Sister Smith and I even experienced it together! My favorite is when the Spirit testifies to both me and Sister Smith simultaneously and we just feel super in sync and unified with each other and with Heavenly Father. We had answers to so many prayers in a matter of thirteen verses. Mosiah chapter 18!!!!!!! Man, oh, man! 
Earlier last week we had a man yell at us for like an hour about how we're "high on Jesus" and I couldn't help but think, YES, YES I AM, AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! haha So now we joke about it all the time but hey, it's true! And I am so grateful that my mind has been enlightened to know that my Savior died for me and that now He Lives! It brings so much more purpose to my life. Like why am I waking up at 6:30 every morning? Why am I walking a kajillion kilometers daily? Why am I talking to strangers every opportunity I can get? BECAUSE JESUS CHRIST LIVES! 

Sister Davis

Be dilligent in all things. Smile big!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fill the Font!

Baptisms for dayzzzz!

Dayton was baptized on Good Friday and it was an amazing day!! And then the stake baptisms were on Saturday for all the eight year olds and we were invited to go there and see 10 more! Whoop whoop the Spirit at baptisms is so touching. 

At Dayton's, all his family came and they are all so proud of him for making this covenant with Heavenly Father. He's had a rough life so it's such a blessing that he's been able to learn that everything that is wrong can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Because of Him we can have hope! And happiness! And eternal life!

And Easter. Boy oh boy what a wonderful day to celebrate the most important event in human history- the Atonement! 

Have a happy week full of smiles and rainbows and sparkles!
 us and dayton!! what a happy day

Hoppy Easter!  Spent the morning walking and finding :)


Sister Davis

Monday, April 14, 2014

A Wonderful Week!

MY DAY HAS BEEN MADE! I just got to see thousands of pictures of my cute nephew and niece YAY! Lynx and Luna are so darling! I LOVE MY FAMILY!

Okay, back to missionary work. This week was wonderful! We had interviews with President and those are always a good time. He thanked me again for working so hard to help Sister Maynes to get out of her shell and I just started bawling. I miss that girl! And I'm so glad that she's continuing to progress and become the missionary that Heavenly Father wants her to be. He even let me know who her new companion is so I could be at peace and make sure she's been taken good care of, and her new comp is Sister Strathearn whom I love and adore so woohoo she's going to be alright! 

Sister Smith and I are having a fantabulous time together. She talks about home a lot which can get old..especially because she doesn't go home until next summer yikes but we're working on that. She has a good sense of humor, and is a little stubborn just like me haha So I'm learning lots about humility, patience, and charity. 

The weather has been perfect lately which helps us out a lot because that means people are outside! That's the best. I love street contacting! The other day when we were walking we met this girl, Jessica, who was waiting for the bus and we got talking to her about who we are and what we're doing and she was so excited! She was telling us all about how she's been wanting to learn more for a while now but was just super busy and couldn't find the time but now that we came and found her she's going to make the time, which is every missionary's dream to meet someone who is actually interested! We have a lesson with her this coming week and we're super psyched! Praying that we can include her whole family or we'll have to pass her to YSA sad day but as long as she gets taught I'll be happy!!!!!!!! Speaking of being happy for people who accept the gospel- guess who's getting baptized on Good Friday! DAYTON!! OH glorious!! More details on that next week!


Sister Davis

Monday, April 7, 2014

Let Your Faith Show!

I think that was my favorite quote from conference- when Elder Nelson told us to "let your faith show." Making sure that we are securely tied to God because our faith will only be safe in Christ. Our daily commitment to obey the commandments with strengthen our love for God. There shouldn't be any 'segments' in our lives, no separation of religion and work. We are who we are, and we are children of a Heavenly Father who sent His Only Begotten Son to take upon himself the sins of this world. The truth of that statement changes our thoughts, words, and actions. I also really loved Gary Stevenson's talk about preparing because we only have "four minutes" to perform. Love all the analogies that were given so that we can more simply and fully understand the doctrine of Christ. 

Let me just tell you, General Conference is GOLD as a missionary. So many of my questions were answered, not only for myself, but for how I can help those we're working with as well as for my family.  Each talk I was receiving revelation as to what I can do to help either my own or someone else's testimony of our Savior. The Spirit is amazing! Even though we might not have had the opportunity to be sitting in the Conference Centre in Salt Lake, we were still blessed with the overwhelming Spirit in a simple Stake Centre in the SE of Calgary. I was moved to tears multiple times because of the undeniable truth of the testimonies of our prophets, seers, and revelators. I wish everyone had the same opportunity and blessing of hearing the words of Christ and invite us all to treasure up these words and put them into action. I was reading in James for my personal study this morning and it's no wonder James chapter one moved Joseph Smith so much to have days of pondering. The whole book of James really makes you rethink the way you call yourself a Christian. Making sure that our tongues are always saying good and how faith without works is dead. I know that Jesus Christ performed miracles when he was ministering upon the earth in both Jerusalem and in the Americas among the Nephites. And I know that he was chosen before he was born to do so. I know that he loves me enough to take upon himself all of my heartaches, pains, and transgressions in the Garden of Gethsemane only then to be crucified upon the cross. But the most glorious of all, I know that Jesus was resurrected and that he lives and leads the way to eternal life with our loving Father in Heaven! And because of these truths I have been and ever will be changed. I am a child of God. Each of us are. And my hope and prayer today is that everyone will be able to hear of these truths and join me on the covenant path toward everlasting joy! 

Woohoo! And as for the wonderful missionary work happening in both the Auburn Bay and Mahogany wards- things are going great! Dayton is still progressing and he's getting more and more excited each day it gets closer to his baptism. He even texts us almost every day and asks us how we're doing...looks like he's the one following up on himself, hey?! (Elder Ballard's talk lol) Yeah, he's great. 

Love, Sister Davis

p.s. for anyone that missed it: GENERAL CONFERENCE WATCH ME WATCH ME :)